
    Forestville CSD
    Annual Professional Performance Review Plan

    Philosophy of Teacher Evaluation
    The primary goal of the Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) Plan is to foster a culture of continuous professional growth which in turn promotes student achievement. The APPR will be used to foster ongoing professional growth and development, reflection, and refinement of professional practice for all faculty and staff in order to improve teaching and learning.

    Principal Effectiveness: ISLLC Standards
    Evaluations of building principals are to be based on multiple measures, aligned with the Educational Leadership Policy Standards (ISLLC 2008). A principal’s performance must be assessed using a principal practice rubric approved by the Department.  Any of the Educational Leadership Policy Standards (ISLLC 2008) not addressed in the broad assessment must be assessed at least once a year.

    Teacher Effectiveness: NYS Teaching Standards
    The New York State Board of Regents has committed to the transformation of the preparation, support, and evaluation of all teachers in New York State. Education Law §3012-d fundamentally changes the way teachers are evaluated. The purpose of the evaluation system is to ensure that there is an effective teacher in every classroom. The evaluation system will also foster a culture of continuous professional growth for educators to grow and improve their instructional practices.

    Under the new law, New York State will differentiate teacher effectiveness using four rating categories – Highly Effective, Effective, Developing, and Ineffective. Education Law §3012-d requires annual professional performance reviews (APPR’s) to result in a single composite teacher effectiveness score that incorporates multiple measures of effectiveness.

    Teacher Effectiveness Composite Score
    Charlotte Danielson’s Framework for Teaching 2011 Revised Edition rubric shall be utilized for the evaluation of all classroom teachers.

    Assessment of a teacher’s performance shall be based on the specific criteria in the rubric, and shall be consistent with the critical attributes and examples included in the 2011 document. The explanation of the item, along with the identification of key elements and indicators provide the context for interpreting the rubric.

    Click here to see complete APPR Plan.