• Dear Parents and Community Members:
    The Forestville Central School District in an effort to be compliant with State Education Department Regulation found in Education Law Section 2-d: Parents’ Bill of Rights has placed on the District web page a document describing the Districts practice of utilization of technology for data collection.
    Please be aware that this document is only a preliminary step and is based on the most current and accurate information provided by SED. The State Education Department will be promulgating further Regulations and Procedures for oversight of these requirements.
    The State Education Department has prepared for our school district a testing transparency report listing all standardized assessments administered to students within our school district for which the department has record. The testing transparency report lists each standardized test that is administered, by grade and subject, and notes whether such assessment is required by federal law, required by state law, or given at local discretion. The testing transparency report is available by clicking the link below.


    The Forestville Central School District is committed to providing a safe, supportive environment free from harassment, bullying and discrimination for all students. The District encourages the involvement of staff, students, parents and community members in the implementation and reinforcement of the Dignity for All Students Act (“DASA”).

    If you believe you, or someone else, has been the target of harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, and/or discrimination, please use this form to report all allegations.

    School/district personnel witnessing an incident or receiving a report of an incident must complete and submit this written report within two (2) school days.  NOTE:  School/district personnel must also orally notify the principal, superintendent or their designee no later than one school day after witnessing or receiving a report of an incident.

    All complaints will be treated in a confidential manner. Anonymous reports may limit the district’s ability to respond to the complaint. A prompt and thorough investigation will be conducted for all incident reportsOur DASA coordinators are: 

    Elementary - Shauna McMahon  (716) 965-2742

    High School - Daniel Grande (716) 965-2711

    Please click on the link to complete this form and return it to a school administrator or Dignity Act Coordinator.

    Additional Resources for Parents/Guardians: 

    NYS Registered Sex Offender List - NYS Registry  

    Parents for Megan's Law and the Crime Victims Center -  www.parentsformeganslaw.org
    Report Child Abuse and Neglect:


    New York State Office of Child and Family Services (OCFS) website:   www.ocfs.ny.gov/main/

    Abuso y Negligencia de Niños y Jovenes


    Sitio web de la Oficina de Servicios para Niños y Familias del Estado de Nueva York (OCFS):   www.ocfs.ny.gov/main/


    Substance Abuse and other Addicitions...

    Are you or someone you know concerned about the misuse of alcohol, tobacco and vaping products, prescription medication and other drugs?  SPEAK WITH SOMEONE!  EDUCATE yourself, students, children or friends on preventing substance use or addiction. LEARN about the warning signs of drug use, experimentation and risk factors for substance use. 

    You can contact our school counselors with full confidentiality at:

    Mrs. Brianne Hazelton, School Counselor - BHazelton@forestville.com  Phone 965-6525